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Signup restrictions

With an active Premium subscription, Apollo can be configured to restrict event signups. Signup restrictions allow you to ensure that unwanted users aren't signing up for events, and that users aren't modifying their signups when they shouldn't be.

There are two types of restrictions:

  • Discord roles permitted to signup
  • Time based signup cutoff times

Regardless of what event restrictions are in place, the event organizer (or an admin) can always manually modify user signups.

Discord role restrictions

A Discord role restriction is a whitelist of Discord roles that are permitted to signup for an event. A user needs one of the roles listed to qualify for the event.

Role restrictions can exist at the event level and at the signup option level. Event level restrictions apply to all signup options, while signup option level restrictions apply only to the corresponding signup option.


If both event and signup option restrictions are in place, the user must pass both checks. In other words, the user needs to have one of the event level restricted roles, and one of the signup option level restricted roles.

Set event level restrictions

At the last step of event creation, select the option to restrict signups to certain roles. Follow the prompts, and enter the names of the Discord roles required to signup for the event.

Require attendees to have either the Premium or Staff role
Require attendees to have either the Premium or Staff role

Set signup option level restrictions

Restrictions can be set individually for each signup option. During event creation, select the option to customize signup options. From here, you'll be able to add, remove, and modify signup options, including signup option level restrictions.

Require "Accepted" users to have the Premium role
Require "Accepted" users to have the Premium role

Signup cutoff

A signup cutoff can be put in place, where after a specified time, users will no longer be able to add, remove, or otherwise modify their response.

Signups can be set to cutoff:

  • When the event starts; or
  • A period of time before the event starts; or
  • A period of time after the event starts

If a user attempts to signup for an event that is closed, they'll receive a message from Apollo indicating that signups are closed. The message will link to the event organizer's profile so the user knows who to contact about any issues.

A notification that signups are closed
A notification that signups are closed

Set a cutoff time

To set a time for signups to cutoff, select the option to set a time for signups to close at the last step of event creation.

Set signups to close 2 hours before the event starts
Set signups to close 2 hours before the event starts