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Deleting events

Events can be deleted in two ways

  • By deleting the event message (requires the Manage Messages permission)
  • By clicking the Delete button on the event message

Deleting the event message will instantly delete the event. If the Edit button is clicked, a confirmation prompt will be sent via a direct message.


When an event is deleted that Apollo has created a thread for, the thread is automatically archived.

Recurring events

If an event message for a recurring event is deleted, the underlying series is not deleted.

When the Delete button is selected for a recurring event, a prompt will ask if you'd like to delete the current event only, or if you'd like to delete the current event and prevent all future occurrences.

To delete a recurring event without also deleting an individual event, use the /edit command and select the option to modify a recurring series. After selecting the series you'd like to delete, select the option to delete the series.


Deleting a recurring series does not delete associated events; they become regular one time events.

Controlling access

By default, users can only delete their own events. If a user clicks on the Delete button for an event they don't own, they will receive a direct message indicating that they are missing permissions.

Users with the Manage Server permission can delete any event.

To allow additional users to delete events, you can assign an event deletion role with /settings role delete. This will allow any user with the given role to delete events.

Automatic deletion

If desired, Apollo can be configured to automatically delete past events with the /settings auto_delete command.

By default events will be auto deleted two hours after they end, but this interval can be configured with the /settings auto_delete_interval command.